"The illiterate of the twenty first century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn." - Alvin Toffler, author of Future Shock. Just a couple of centuries back, education was limited to those with privilege. Today, we have access to information literally at the tips of our finger tips. That was an obscenely short summary on the evolution of education, here's a fun read of its detailed history . In fact, we're being bombarded by too much information, most of the time today. Jonathan Levi leverages on Dr Malcolm Knowles' work in Adult Learning and presents the key tools that adult learners can use to learn better and more efficiently in today's fast paced world. 5 Conditions to learning Although we tend to envy children for being 'better' learners, Levi suggests that adults bring their own advantages to the table when it comes to learning. In fact, these conditions make us better learners. 1 - Exp...
thoughts in a noisy world